Thursday, November 10, 2011

How to Get Ripped Fast

Don't say that you are not at least a bit jealous. You have ogled at that guy or girl wandering along the beach with their ripped abs looking sexy and fit. You notice others shooting admiring glances in their direction and secretly deep down you wish that it was you they were admiring. Well, you are in the right place if you are one of those people who wishes to know how to get ripped abs fast. Here is our quick run down on how to get ripped fast.

The first thing to remember is that we all have reasonably good ab muscles to start with. They are hidden under a fatty layer of skin which is the only real reason that they cannot be seen. What we need to do is simply remove the layer of fat. Let me tell you right now, doing sit-ups is not what is going to get rid of that layer. Increasing your metabolic rate is going to to get rid of it however.

Your metabolism is the real key to knowing how to get ripped abs fast. This is largely due to the that fact the metabolism is the speed that your body burns through calories. If you can make this faster then you shall shift that layer a lot more easily. The good news is it is not as difficult as you probably think!

How to get ripped fast, key points to increase your metabolic rate and create a calorie deficit:

1) Workout with weights. This improves the amount of muscle bulk in your body which is fantastic because muscle tissue needs more calories to maintain than fat tissue requires, so this will automatically increase the speed of your metabolism.

2) Take on board smaller meals that are more regular. Your body knows it will get more calories soon if you eat regularly so it doesn't have to save any as surplus in fat stores. Therefore it is a lot more willing to use these calories up by increasing the metabolic rate once more. Eat three meals a day and your boy tries to hold on to the calories more as it is not sure when it will get some more.

3) Perform tough aerobic workouts. Completing vigorous cardio-vascular training sessions. This will increase your metabolic rate and burn off calories.

4) Keep eating lots of protein. The last thing you want to do is lose muscle bulk so make sure your protein intake is at a good level or you run the risk of your muscles being broken down and used as a source of energy and therefore your metabolic rate will be decreased.

5) Try to create a negative balance of calories. This is another real key in knowing how to get ripped abs fast. essentially you need to use up more calories than you eat, You can exercise as much as you like but if you still consume more calories than you eat that fat is going nowhere.

With the above points in mind there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to get experience great results in fact for many people it is possible to get ripped 90 days if you really put the effort in!

The Author provides free muscle building guides at his website. Click Build Muscle Up or get ripped fast now for more info.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How To Get Ripped Abs In 30 Days?

If you are trying to figure out how to get ripped abs in less than 30 days, you really do have a very strong sense of imagination and fantasy.

I was just kidding about that you really do need to understand true facts. I can easily explain how to get ripped abs in less than 30 days but it also depends on your current status as well.

For a male with a body fat percentage of 12-14% or a female with a bodyfat percentage of 18-21%, getting ripped abs in 30 days is no biggie, but if you have a body fat beyond this level, you really do need to work longer to get ripped abs.

No matter how fast you need to get those ripped abs, I am going to give you a step by step system that anybody can follow as long as they want to get those ripped abs in the fastest time possible.

Step 1

Commit and Focus.

This may sound lame to you but committing yourself to get ripped abs within 30 days by writing it down somewhere in BIG letters will keep you focused in helping you avoid drifting away from unwanted desires to skip a workout or cheat in your diet.

Step 2

Clean Your Diet.

If you really badly want to get ripped abs in the fastest time possible, then this is the key to your success. If your diet is clean, your fat will smoothly slide off leaving a lean and ripped body that will turn heads.

In order to clean your diet, you need to change your entire view of what diet actually is. Instead going in to why and the reasons, I will tell you exactly what to do.

Eat 5-6 short meals a day every 2.5 to 3.5 hours. Don't keep your body starving beyond 3.5 hours, or your body will slow down your metabolism which means your body will start storing fat instead of burning.

Eat one portion of lean protein in every meal. Eat two portions of high fiber carbs with glycemic index of less than 50 in every meal. Eat a handful of nuts like almonds and walnuts because healthy fats are important to speed up your fat burning process.

These changes make an 80% contribution to helping you get ripped abs really fast. Ever heard of the saying, "Abs are made in the kitchen"?

It's time you start believing it because it is so very true.

Step 3

Muscle Building Exercises

Do not worry about bulking up because that will only happen if you increase your calorie intake way beyond your maintenance level. In order to get ripped abs within 30 days, you need to focus on building as much muscle as you can within this short period of time. This goes for those who have a very high bodyfat percentage as well.

By focusing on building as much muscle as you can in less time, your body will have to keep working hard to maintain that muscle mass, which leads your body to burn more and more calories for energy to rebuild the damaged muscle tissue from the workouts while at the same time trying to maintain the muscle mass you already have.

What does this mean? Calorie expenditure is way higher than Calorie input which leads to FAT LOSS!

In order to focus on rapid muscle growth, you need to choose compound exercises that work the major muscles in your body like the Back, Legs and your Chest. When you perform such compound exercises, your body uses smaller muscles for stability and strength, which means you work a lot of muscles groups for each exercise.

Recommended exercises:







Chest Presses

There you go! You have now discovered how to get ripped abs in the fastest time you could possibly imagine.

These are just the basics fundamentals that show you how to get ripped abs in within 30 days, but if you really want to get hardcore workout routines with ready made nutrition and diet plans that will kick your metabolism and fat loss results through the roof, read my reviews on the highly recommended fat loss routines in the market.

Fat Burning Furnace

The Truth About Six Pack Abs

Optimum Anabolics

The Truth to a Ripped Six Pack Fast

Get Your Beach Body Lean and Ripped Fast

If your abs aren't flat and defined, having other muscles won't really matter. To enhance the size and shape of your muscles, you want to get lean all over and attain the six pack abs look that everybody is trying to work toward. Your muscles will look bigger and more defined, the leaner your body is. Your abs will not be visible, even if you do a thousand crunches a day, unless you get your body fat down to single numbers. Everyone has a layer of fat covering their ab muscles, so no matter how hard you may be working them they won't be visible until you can get that fat out of the way. Do you understand? To improve your overall muscle appearance and get more definition in your abs, here are some tips for getting lean fast.

Cut sugars, carbs, white flour, and dairy out of your diet as much as possible for a proper diet. We are all making an effort to get away from the "thick skin" look and this kind of diet will help to eliminate that and cut down on bloating. Natural fats, clean proteins, and complex carbohydrates should be the basics for your new clean diet.

You will burn fat more easily and efficiently on this clean diet, so, add in a fat burning activity. Your burn calories working out and you will achieve your goal of burning fat. Forget what you heard about getting your heart rate to a specific target for fat burning. Here are some options, as you have many choices for your fat burning activity, and can choose the one that works for you.

Jogging, running, or walking on the treadmill is a great form of traditional cardio activity that you can use. 45 minutes to an hour is the minimum for using this type of activity for the purpose of getting lean. I would recommend 30 minutes if you have a strenuous traditional cardio routine in mind.

Cutting half the time from a traditional cardio workout, and incorporating a little more intensity, you can also try circuit training. To achieve maximum results with circuit training, you will want to do 15 to 20 minutes. After an intense workout, you should not jump into circuit training, unlike with your more traditional cardio routine. If you are looking for a good circuit training routine to follow, check out this link:

You should consider breaking your meals into 6 small meals each day in order to keep your metabolism pumping. This is sure to turn your body into a fat burning machine and keep that metabolism working hard by eating every 2 to 3 hours. You will get proper nutrition by fueling your body this way and it will help you retain your muscle mass as well as help you in getting lean, fast.

Getting lean can be achieved, here are some more advance hints:

To cut down on water retention, consume a gallon of water each day. Before you eat anything in the morning, start out with your cardio routine. Vegetables should be your main source of carbohydrates in your diet.

To achieve a "fitness model" look that is ripped and lean, follow these outlined steps and you will soon be looking lean which is hot and not bulky which is not. The real challenge is going to lie in staying lean, not so much as getting lean. You will only be causing yourself a set back if you do not develop a consistent routine, as this will be the key to your success with any fitness goal.

For more information on getting lean Check out more circuit training routines.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Easy Routine to Get Ripped - Gain Muscle Fast With This Simple Trick

How do you plan a routine to get ripped? It is possible for everyone to bulk up and look muscular. But this can only happen when we get rid of the excess fat in the body especially in the abs. You cannot keep the abs fat and expect to be ripped like a professional. The desire to get ripped should start with a routine to get ripped.

The routine to get ripped should be one that allows you to burn more calories than you consume in a day. There are two ways of doing this. The first is to cut down on the amount of calories you consume in a day. That will mean foregoing high calorie foods like sugar drinks, bread and wheat and such foods that are very high in calories.

The second aspect of a routine to get ripped is to engage in activities that make you burn more calories than usual. Most of us, due to today's lifestyles are constantly storing fat in our bodies without ever giving the body the chance to burn it. When you start exercising, you make your body burn at least double the amount of calories you burn on an ordinary day. There is therefore the need to have an exercise regime as part of your routine to get ripped.

Here are a few exercises that should be on your routine.

Bent knee sit-up

This is a simple exercise that could be done anywhere. You first have to sit on a sit-up board and get your feet hooked under the strap. Bend your knees about 45 degrees and place your hands at the back of your head. Inhale and move slowly back until your back touches the floor fully. Get back to start position after you exhale and repeat several times.

Another exercise that should be part of your routine to get ripped is the alternating sit-up. As the name suggest, it is a variation of the bent knee sit-up. The beginning position is just like the bent knee sit up. In this case you twist your upper body left and right with each rep as you lower your upper body.


This is combination of very high intensity exercises such as weight lifting, circuit training and sprinting. Crossfits is plan in a way that you don't get time to rest as you move from one activity to the other. It is mostly adopted by people who want to get ripped fast.

Stick to your routine to get ripped and you'll start seeing results in no time. If you really want to supercharge your results, check out this free report that helped me pack on raw hard muscle in less time than I thought possible.

How to Get Ripped Fast

Don't say that you are not at least a bit jealous. You have ogled at that guy or girl wandering along the beach with their ripped abs looking sexy and fit. You notice others shooting admiring glances in their direction and secretly deep down you wish that it was you they were admiring. Well, you are in the right place if you are one of those people who wishes to know how to get ripped abs fast. Here is our quick run down on how to get ripped fast.

The first thing to remember is that we all have reasonably good ab muscles to start with. They are hidden under a fatty layer of skin which is the only real reason that they cannot be seen. What we need to do is simply remove the layer of fat. Let me tell you right now, doing sit-ups is not what is going to get rid of that layer. Increasing your metabolic rate is going to to get rid of it however.

Your metabolism is the real key to knowing how to get ripped abs fast. This is largely due to the that fact the metabolism is the speed that your body burns through calories. If you can make this faster then you shall shift that layer a lot more easily. The good news is it is not as difficult as you probably think!

How to get ripped fast, key points to increase your metabolic rate and create a calorie deficit:

1) Workout with weights. This improves the amount of muscle bulk in your body which is fantastic because muscle tissue needs more calories to maintain than fat tissue requires, so this will automatically increase the speed of your metabolism.

2) Take on board smaller meals that are more regular. Your body knows it will get more calories soon if you eat regularly so it doesn't have to save any as surplus in fat stores. Therefore it is a lot more willing to use these calories up by increasing the metabolic rate once more. Eat three meals a day and your boy tries to hold on to the calories more as it is not sure when it will get some more.

3) Perform tough aerobic workouts. Completing vigorous cardio-vascular training sessions. This will increase your metabolic rate and burn off calories.

4) Keep eating lots of protein. The last thing you want to do is lose muscle bulk so make sure your protein intake is at a good level or you run the risk of your muscles being broken down and used as a source of energy and therefore your metabolic rate will be decreased.

5) Try to create a negative balance of calories. This is another real key in knowing how to get ripped abs fast. essentially you need to use up more calories than you eat, You can exercise as much as you like but if you still consume more calories than you eat that fat is going nowhere.

With the above points in mind there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to get experience great results in fact for many people it is possible to get ripped 90 days if you really put the effort in!

The Author provides free muscle building guides at his website. Click Build Muscle Up or get ripped fast now for more info.

Monday, November 7, 2011

How to Get a Six Pack Fast - Get a Ripped Six Pack Fast Plan

Every man wants a six pack, even if we tell people we don't. Ultimate body sculpting is a dream of men and women, but just how we get an aesthetically pleasing stomach definition is a tough question for most. In fact knowing how to get a six pack fast is only half the battle, because the hard work and dedication is all up to you.

A true six pack is when your abdominal muscles show through the area around your stomach. Abdominal exercises are required to target all of the abdominal muscles if you want the to grow. Ab workouts include crunches, reverse crunches, bicycle maneuver, sit ups etc.

The big problem for most people is that they can work the abdominal muscles ruthlessly, but they will never be seen if there is stomach fat covering them. Your gut will never allow those abs to be seen and that is the whole point of working these muscles out right? What can you do to blast those abs and burn that fat though?

Losing weight alone will not blast those abs. because your weight is comprised of muscle and fat. If you burn your muscle your stomach fat will still be there and your abdominal muscles will not reveal themselves. To learn how to get a six pack fast you need to understand these principles to make the job easier. Surprisingly this is where most people fail and burn away the muscle instead of fat. To get a six pack really fast you must understand these principles completely.

Getting the ripped abs you want will require some weightlifting if you want quick results. You need to do exercises that target these four abdominal muscles:

1. Transverse Abdominal

2. Internal Obliques

3. External Obliques

4. Rectus Abdominis

By targeting the four muscles above you will eventually have the great looking six pack that you see and admire. Combine this with a diet that lowers body fat percentage without losing muscle muscle, and you have discovered the secret of how to get a six pack fast 3 months or less.

So to recap:

You have learned the best ways to get a six pack fast. Do exercises that target the 4 abdominal muscles directly, and start a fat burning diet that will not destroy muscle.

No matter what your current physical condition these ab ripping tips work. It may take a little longer if you have a long way to go, but you have learned the answer to the question how to get a six pack fast.

Luckily there are systems designed to help you put all of this information together in the fastest possible time. You won't have to guess which diet and how often to exercise, it is all laid out for you.

To see the number one rated Ab Blasting Program Click Here []. []

How To Get Ripped Abs Super Fast

There aren't lots of abdominal exercise fitness along with diet programs out there that successfully produce what they pledge.

John Alvino's How to Get Ripped Abs Workouts Program, then again, is a major exception. In this rare and straight forward abs exercise method, John presents an abs exercise plan like no. In his eBook, John puts other programs to embarrassment and shines like a beacon that you should take heed to.

While the How to Get Ripped Abs Plan has managed to slip-up the minds of many and miss the all-to critical media thought, it is still packed out with all you need to know to create the six-pack you have always wanted.

The Idea - Fat-Burning 101

In his course, John maps out his viewpoint on fat burning and how it is a important aspect in the trip to hard core abs. John teaches techniques that include how to increase fat burning during exercise and how to heighten your metabolism to levels like never before. From the start, John tells you how you can and will burn the fat and why it is key to the assignment at hand.

He keeps the tone of his book persuasive yet comforting and drives home the message that the only reason you might be unsuccessful is because of yourself. In the course he also finds ways to encourage you.

Don't forget, John has survived his individual trials and tribulations of fat loss and finding fitness. He started out over-weight and has tried and tested his fat burning methods beyond measure. He believes it is possible for both men and women to thrive, and with the help of his abs course, we believe so too.

How to Get Ripped Abs Workout Course

John's abs exercises includes a string of special work out intended to optimize fat burning in the shortest amount of time possible. In summary, John's techniques will improve your metabolism to levels you have never experienced.

With John's program and back-up, everything is possible. He even provides private motivational help because he wants you to succeed and will help you along the way.

Generally, the How to Get Ripped Abs Plan is built upon the suggestion that nearly all people trying to burn fat and discover their six-packs are making one or more of these five fatal mistakes:

1. Performing the same old, mind-numbing, and inefficient abdomen exercises.

2. Eating "diet or fitness" foods that are in fact made of trash.

3. Engaging in cardio routines in hopes of burning fat.

4. Crash dieting.

5. Utilizing traditional muscle building programs which barely work for certain individuals with favorable genetics.

How to get ripped abs shows in striking detail how to obtain ripped abs fast, you can test out John Alvino at the website where the editor and Casey Clark assign John a grilling on his abs program. Test out out how John did during the evaluation.

Is How To Get Ripped Abs [] the best thing since sliced bread or as good as a meat pie on a vegetarian restaurant menu...

If you are SERIOUS about changing your body shape and want to be a step ahead and get abs fast then you need to see what all the fuss is about with John Alvino's astonishing how to get ripped abs program.

Trevski and the muscle building abs reviews team have given John a real going over to see what results you can really expect to gain in a few short weeks. If you would like to see what a real solid abs program is all about then I suggest you Click Here Now []

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Secrets On How To Get Ripped Fast

There always comes a point in our life where we need to know how to get ripped fast. Maybe you have been working out all winter and summer is finally here, maybe you want to look good for your vacation pictures or you just have a big event coming up that you want to look your best for. Whatever the reason, this article will explain how to get ripped fast.

To really get results, there are three things that you need. The first is that you need resistance training to be part of your routine in order to keep your muscle mass. Secondly, you have to do some type of workout that works on burning fat. The third thing is that you'll need to make a few changes to your diet in order to make a calorie deficit in your body. This article looks at how to get ripped fast by using an approach that deals with all three of these issues.

The key is to maintain the muscle mass you've got now even when you're in a calorie deficit or dieting down (I'll explain the calorie deficit below). The idea is to lose the fat but no the muscle. What all the research says is that a little bit of resistance training will allow you to keep the muscle even when you're trimming down. So, if you're not already doing it, get a good weight training routine going.

If you want to really get ripped fast, you need to burn fat and have a calorie deficit. Cardio training is often used for this, but a much better way to get it done is what's called high intensity interval training, or HIIT. In a manner of speaking, you get more bang for your buck with HIIT. It gives you better fat burning, better calorie burning and also has better metabolic effects for after your workout. The way it works is that you have alternating bits of high intensity exercise and low intensity exercise. These are a minute long - 1 minute hard, 1 minute easy, and repeat for 20 minutes. Start easy and gradually make the intense parts more intense. If you do this 3-5 times each week, you'll get ripped fast.

Building on creating a calorie deficit we need to talk about diet. I am going to share with you a great principle to create a deficit without dieting. It is called intermittent fasting, going without periods of food for between 18-24 hours. It is like planned meal skipping. Contrary to dieting myths (and there are many), fasting for this length of time will not decrease your metabolism or cause breakdown of your muscles. But what it will do is severely cut your calorie intake, increase fat burning and other markers of health. The research supporting this is overwhelming and it is a practical way to reduce calories without denying yourself your favorite foods. For getting ripped fast simply skip two consecutive meals twice a week and aim for a 18-24 hour period without food.

This is only one way how to get ripped fast. These ideas are controversial because they go against a lot of what the mainstream believes. But what most people believe is rarely supported by scientific research, and these methods are. For me, it's all about trying to find the most effective and easiest way to achieve the body you've always wanted. For some more information on this topic, have a look at these links.

For a limited time grab my FREE report 'How to Get a Ripped Beach Body' by clicking on the links below.

For more fitness advice on healthy foods to lose weight, go to author Nick Spring's website which is gives the most powerful answers for problems such as the best fast weight loss diets.

Nick Springs is a Health & Fitness expert.
He runs the popular website - where he gives real world fitness advice, so you can have a body like the Hollywood stars.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

How to Get Ripped Muscles Fast at Home in Minutes

These days, almost everybody wants to have a nice muscle definition but many of us are not aware of the ways as to how to get ripped muscles fast. Well, it is not a very difficult task, but it would really demand a lot of dedication from your part, or else, the best of plans might not give the results. One of the most important aspects that should be kept in mind while aiming for a good muscle definition is nutrition.

There is a lot misconception regarding how to get ripped muscles fast and the most common of them states that only exercises are sufficient to get ripped muscles. But the body will not be able to develop ripped muscles if one does not consume adequate nutrients. So a proper diet plan has to be decided before the start to the exercise routine so that the body receives ample energy during the phase of exercise, or else a person will not be able to conjure up enough energy to practice the rigorous exercise routine. Ideally one should indulge in exercises for at least thrice a week to get the results fast. If you want breaks then during the weekends you can avoid doing the exercises but make sure that on the rest of the weekdays you are practicing the exercises religiously. Sleep also plays an important role in how to get ripped muscles fast and it is said that a person for sleep for about six hours daily so that the body can get the required amount of rest. When you are practicing the exercises to get ripped muscles then naturally the body tends to become tired and sleep can be a wonderful form of rejuvenation.

One should also remember that the workouts should be done without giving your body too much of stress. After the completion of every exercise session it is necessary to consume some type of protein shakes so that some of the essential nutrients are delivered to the body. Cardio exercises are commonly recommended for ripped muscles and it is advisable to dedicate at least two third of your exercise time for these exercises. Some of the trainers also feel that consuming small portion of meals throughout the day can help you to get ripped muscles as well. When food is consumed in smaller portions then it gets easier to digest it and similarly the body can form ripped muscles quickly. The facts associated with how to get ripped muscles fast can really be useful when a person practices it with a lot of enthusiasm and patience.

So high intensity interval training is the way you must take, if you want to get a nice muscle definition, it means, you have to do short but intensive workout then rest just 30 seconds, you can repeat cycles for each exercise you chose, for about 3 minutes.

Do not get desperate, you have to work hard and eat well, you could try tons of programs that promise you teach you how to get ripped muscles [] fast, but the most important tool is you. You have to change the way you do exercises, working harder and less resting, you do not have to do hours of exercises, with just few minutes a day if you do it the right way you will get a nice muscle definition, if you want to get I real nice and fast program you should check out this site []

5 Effective Tips on How to Get Ripped - Building Muscle Fast

To impress girls and look like a professional athlete, everyone wants to learn how to get ripped as fast as possible.

First off you need to know that you can make it happen fast, however you can not expect overnight results. To have that kind of muscle, you must earn it through hard work.

To be classified as "ripped", there are two tests. First, people have to think you are and then there is the actually definition of ripped. You can be ripped when you have about 13% body fat.

Here is a list of 5 Tips to Get Ripped and the proper way to building muscle fast.

1) It all starts will rest. Your muscles grow the most when you are asleep, so it is recommend that you get at least 6 hours of sleep each and every night. Lack of sleep will cause all your time working out to be wasted. However, do not over sleep. Try to get about 8 hours of sleep. None less and 6 and no more than 9.

2) Keep a well balanced workout routine. Try to be consistent with your workouts. Workout one day, rest the next, workout one day, rest the next. Just do not workout your muscles everyday or they will not grow. Or worse, you can result in injuring your muscles. I recommend working out 3 days a week, with cardio workouts between each. On the 7th day, you can rest completely.

3) Nutrition is key to getting a sexy body. The get a ripped body, you need to really give your meal plans a drastic change. You can create yourself a meal plan with research. But you want to have a meal plan with anywhere from 2000-3000 calories a day. The meal plan or diet plan is important to build muscle. Be sure to incorporate lots of protein. If your diet plan is 2500 calories a day, eat about 250 grams of protein a day. Spread them out through the day to help increase your metabolism. About 6 meals a day, 42 grams each. Be sure to include carbs, vegetables and fruits. Stay away from sugar!

4) Going back to your workout routine, it is extremely effective to have a workout plan and to stick to it. If you go to the gym (if you joined one or you can create your own inexpensive gym at home) do not just got from machine to machine. Have a plan and a variety of workouts for each muscle group.

5) Supplements - Many believe you do not need supplements to build muscle, sticking to a natural diet works just as well. It's true, you really do not. Most of them are trash anyway. Protein shakes are great and same with muscle recovery drinks. They are high in protein and very little carbs. They can help keep balance between the too.

These 5 basic tips are great to follow for those who are just getting started building muscles fast, but there is more to it.

So you have these tips and you do not know where to go from there. Many struggle to start building muscle because they just do not know where to start.

To start, you need a plan. A workout plan and a nutrition plan. You can find these all over the Internet.

However, the fitness guides and nutrition guides you find for free will less likely be good ones. You may learn a thing or two from them, but they really do not go into detail about every workout.

There are fitness ebooks that setup are workout plans and nutrition plans, which will cost you a small fraction of what it would cost to hire a personal trainer.

These fitness books are just like having a personal trainer. They give you a complete workout routine. What workouts to do today, to do tomorrow, and the next and the next.

Here is the incredible fitness ebook I use, it comes with a complete workout routine to get ripped in 90 days, a complete meal plan for those 90 days, every single meal. Get his free reports at Athlean-X (created by a trainer to Pro Athletes), and then download his workout plan to get a ripped body.

For more information on how to build muscle for a sexy physique including tips, workout guides and equipment, check out Build Muscle Fast

Friday, November 4, 2011

How to Get Ripped Without Weights - Train at Home and Learn How to Get Ripped Without Weights Fast!

There are lots of people who can't afford or don't have time to attend the gym but would still like to get ripped. They are looking for techniques on how to get ripped without weights from home and even in hotel rooms if they are on the move. This article will show you how to achieve that goal in the shortest time possible with some great tips.

~ How To Get Ripped Without Weights - Exercise Tips:

- Make your own weights - Just because its not iron discs this doesn't matter as your body cannot tell any difference. Be creative and use bags of sugar, old plastic milk cartons filled with sand, heavy books etc. Even your young kids or girlfriend can become resistance in certain exercises too.

- Rest less between sets - This is a great technique to reduce your rest time between the exercises. If your currently resting 60 seconds then over time cut it down to 45, then 30 and even 15 seconds. You can really go for it and not rest at all between sets by doing a circuit, this is superb for fat burning.

- Use one limb and slow motion - One limb exercises provide good resistance especially when done in slow motion. Make sure you have your balance correct and do exercises like one arm push ups, one legged squats and one legged calf raises etc.

~ How To Get Ripped Without Weights - Diet Tips:

- Proteins, fats and carbs - Monitor your intake of these 3 very carefully. A good guide is a follows:

- Keep protein to 1 gramme per pound of body weight. Protein keeps you fuller for longer. For convenience you can sometimes take protein shakes/bars to keep your levels up.

- There are good fats called trans fats and fats from fish oils etc. Stay clear of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats as much as you can.

- Take in your carbs in whole foods form from the low glycemic index range. These are low in sugar to get you ripped faster and have a slow release energy for your vitality.

~ How To Get Ripped Without Weights - Conclusion:

Consistency and discipline is the key here to get best results. Work out at least 3 times every week and use a vision board to keep you mentally focused. By losing just 2 pounds per week you will be 2 stone lighter in 4 months and 4 stone lighter in just 8 months. Getting ripped is achievable for any one if you are patient and give it time.

Getting ripped is easy when you know how.

Get a hot looking ripped body. Train, eat, rest and learn here: burn fat fast


Barry Cross has 30 years experience in bodybuilding/health/fitness/wellness and the weight loss arena.

How to Get Ripped Chest Muscles Fast

How to get a ripped chest quickly is one of the most common questions asked in the gym. Why? Because large chest muscles look sexy, they look great when you take your top of down at the pool or beach and girls can see how fit you are by the way those pectoral muscles create a great shape in your shirt.

The chest muscles are basically made up of two main muscles - the small pectoralis minor muscle that lies on top of the chest wall and then the larger pectoralis major muscle which lies on top of this and which gives the chest its shape.

In order to build the chest muscles you need to perform exercises that focus on these muscles and also, surprisingly, exercise the large muscles of the body such as the quadriceps muscle - the large muscle on the front of the thigh, to promote growth hormone production. A popular exercise that stimulates the chest muscles is the bench press. You basically lie on your back, holding a barbell with your hands at shoulder width apart. You then lower the barbell slowly to your chest and then push it back up until your arms are back to the straightened position. It is important to lower the barbell slowly and not drop the weight allowing it to bounce off your chest.

The next important factor if you want to know how get a ripped chest is diet. I don't mean starving yourself to lose fat. Yes, you have to lose that fat layer that covers the chest muscles but you also have to build and maintain the muscle bulk. If you try and starve yourself you will send your body into what is known as a catabolic state which will have the effect of breaking down all that hard gained muscle. So, what you need to do is maintain adequate protein intake but also incorporate cardio routines to your workout to burn calories otherwise you will just bulk up with muscle and fat leaving yourself looking bloated.

How long will it take? That depends on how much work you are willing to put in, whether you are performing the correct workout routines, your diet and more importantly - consistency. In all sporting areas, consistency is the key. Making small gains, regularly over a period of time soon amounts to large gains. In as little as 11 weeks you should be able to get a ripped chest fast.

Many people desire a ripped muscular body which takes time and work. However there are shortcuts to speed up your gains. This article explains the principles behind getting a ripped muscular chest fast. If you want to hit the ground running and get going with a full program that provides you with all the workouts, cardio routines and diet then then there are a number of programs available including the Vince Delmonte Review Program or the Truth About Abs Program. These all employ the same basic principles of building muscle and losing fat but in a no nonsense structured approach.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

3 Serious Exercises to Get You Ripped Fast!

If you are wanting to get a ripped body in a hurry then the speed of it is determined by several variables. It has to do with things like your level of commitment, genetics, level of progress, and general lifestyle. All of these variables will determine the success or failure of your fitness and strength and conditioning program. Assuming these are in check, but you are absolutely committed to the cause then the following 3 exercises will help to drastically speed up your progress. Read on if you are serious about results!

Getting Ripped Fast!

1. The Dead Lift: The dead lift is a tremendous total body exercise that will provide you with an array of many physical benefits. Characteristics such as grip strength, core strength, improved posture, mobility, and overall lean muscle mass are all benefits of the dead lift. This is exactly what you need if you are looking at developing a lean strong body. You see the dead lift can be performed in a variety of different ways by implementing the use of a barbell, diamond bar, medicine ball, or kettlebell. The lift can be done with a single arm or both arms. It is great for hitting all the large muscle groups which will in turn speed up your metabolism by quickly elevating your level of perceived exertion. If you want to get lean fast then start implementing the dead lift.

2. Kettlebell Swings: Kettlebell swings are one of the most basic strength endurance lifts that you can perform with the kettlebell. The great thing about this lift is that it can be performed for power or for more muscular and cardiovascular endurance. The drill basically involves you swinging the iron ball from between your legs up to at least chest level back and forth like a pendulum. This single exercise hits hundreds of your working muscles and you will be shocked at how quickly it will elevate your heart rate and cause you to break a sweat in the process. This is exercise is terrific for your hips, glutes, back, abs, shoulders, hamstrings, and of course heart! Starting swinging the iron bell if you want rip up fast!

3. Squat Thrust: The squat thrust is a body weight calisthenic that is terrific for helping you to build a lean strong body in a hurry. Calisthenics are great because they are whole body exercises that are performed in a rhythmic and systematic way in order to promote muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance. This is where you will stand to torch a ton of calories which will speed up the process of your ripped body project. The squat thrust is a basic calisthenic that is comprised of 3 different movements.

To start the drill you must stand with your feet at shoulder width distance apart in length. From here simply crouch down to place your hands on the ground in front of you. The second step involves you kicking your feet back behind you to extend your body into an upright push up position. The third and final step ends with you kicking your feet back up underneath you in order to stand back up to your feet. The last part of the drill can be intensified further by adding a vertical jump in at the end. All 3 of these phases count as a single repetition.

If you haven't already started to incorporate the 3 exercises that I just mentioned into your workout program then you are not running your ripped body project in high gear. Take the time to learn more about these and other methods of training to get yourself a ripped physique as fast as possible. Remember that most people can train hard, but only the best train smart!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Friday, February 4, 2011

This is why to acquire Ripped Fast

If you're searching to lose weight and acquire totally shredded you will find steps that should continually be followed. Should you omit one of these simple important steps it is possible to totally just forget about getting about getting ripped.
Firstly you have to start together with your diet. Each meal that you simply consume during today should be an ideal combination of protein, carbohydrates and yes even fat. Just be sure the fat you're eating is of the healthy variety like olive oil.
You have a multitude of choices for your protein options. You'll have meat, chicken or fish and let's remember about yogurt, cheese and also beans. You now should attempt to keep your carbohydrate selections in the vegetable family. Leafy green vegetables are totally amazing if you are looking slim down. I actually tell most of my clients how the more vegetables they consume the skinnier they will be. Please understand that potatoes don't count as a vegetable. Especially potatoes loaded with bacon and cheddar cheese. Your healthy fat choices might be as follows: flax oil, olive oil, walnuts, almonds and olives.
You should try you can eat 5 small meals during the day. To start your day off in fat reducing mode you should try to own your first meal during the day within the first 60 minutes of getting out of bed. After that you need eating every 3 to 4 hours throughout the day. I'd like one to give up eating at 7 p.m. the explanation for that is that stomach's mobility and digestive abilities are greatly diminished after 7 p.m.
Needless to say you cannot forget a good workout program. As you wish to get ripped fast my exercise recommendations would be primarily cardiovascular activities. I've recently had great success with myself and lots of of my clients by implementing small time searches of cardio during the day. Try performing two 10 minute sessions of cardio workouts each day for six days of the week. Now needless to say you need to talk to your doctor before following these recommendations and before beginning any kind of workout program. In continuing using the aerobic exercise I would suggest that you keep the heartbeat approximately 65 and 75% of the maximum heartbeat. Again I cannot stress enough how important it's to discuss this together with your medical doctor prior to starting any program.
So far as calories consumed every day woman usually excel when you eat approximately 1200 calories each day. Men may have a few more calories by eating 1600 calories each day.
Now exactly what I've stated above is a well established and proven way of losing weight and becoming ripped. If for whatever reason this doesn't meet your needs I actually do advise that you train with a medical weight-loss specialist. We sometimes don't shed weight because your body fat loss systems happen to be totally burned out and fatigued. In situations like this you actually really need to get your body healthy before you begin reducing your weight. Ironically, the beautiful thing about having older systems of one's body being totally healthy is that a pleasant side-effect is that you will lose your excess excess fat.
If you need help finding of medical weight-loss specialist you can usually ask your loved ones doctor to recommend one. If for some reason your medical professional can't recommend someone that can be done a web search.

I also did overview of top quality products you should check out here: how to get ripped fast ....