Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Truth to a Ripped Six Pack Fast

Get Your Beach Body Lean and Ripped Fast

If your abs aren't flat and defined, having other muscles won't really matter. To enhance the size and shape of your muscles, you want to get lean all over and attain the six pack abs look that everybody is trying to work toward. Your muscles will look bigger and more defined, the leaner your body is. Your abs will not be visible, even if you do a thousand crunches a day, unless you get your body fat down to single numbers. Everyone has a layer of fat covering their ab muscles, so no matter how hard you may be working them they won't be visible until you can get that fat out of the way. Do you understand? To improve your overall muscle appearance and get more definition in your abs, here are some tips for getting lean fast.

Cut sugars, carbs, white flour, and dairy out of your diet as much as possible for a proper diet. We are all making an effort to get away from the "thick skin" look and this kind of diet will help to eliminate that and cut down on bloating. Natural fats, clean proteins, and complex carbohydrates should be the basics for your new clean diet.

You will burn fat more easily and efficiently on this clean diet, so, add in a fat burning activity. Your burn calories working out and you will achieve your goal of burning fat. Forget what you heard about getting your heart rate to a specific target for fat burning. Here are some options, as you have many choices for your fat burning activity, and can choose the one that works for you.

Jogging, running, or walking on the treadmill is a great form of traditional cardio activity that you can use. 45 minutes to an hour is the minimum for using this type of activity for the purpose of getting lean. I would recommend 30 minutes if you have a strenuous traditional cardio routine in mind.

Cutting half the time from a traditional cardio workout, and incorporating a little more intensity, you can also try circuit training. To achieve maximum results with circuit training, you will want to do 15 to 20 minutes. After an intense workout, you should not jump into circuit training, unlike with your more traditional cardio routine. If you are looking for a good circuit training routine to follow, check out this link:

You should consider breaking your meals into 6 small meals each day in order to keep your metabolism pumping. This is sure to turn your body into a fat burning machine and keep that metabolism working hard by eating every 2 to 3 hours. You will get proper nutrition by fueling your body this way and it will help you retain your muscle mass as well as help you in getting lean, fast.

Getting lean can be achieved, here are some more advance hints:

To cut down on water retention, consume a gallon of water each day. Before you eat anything in the morning, start out with your cardio routine. Vegetables should be your main source of carbohydrates in your diet.

To achieve a "fitness model" look that is ripped and lean, follow these outlined steps and you will soon be looking lean which is hot and not bulky which is not. The real challenge is going to lie in staying lean, not so much as getting lean. You will only be causing yourself a set back if you do not develop a consistent routine, as this will be the key to your success with any fitness goal.

For more information on getting lean Check out more circuit training routines.

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