Thursday, November 3, 2011

3 Serious Exercises to Get You Ripped Fast!

If you are wanting to get a ripped body in a hurry then the speed of it is determined by several variables. It has to do with things like your level of commitment, genetics, level of progress, and general lifestyle. All of these variables will determine the success or failure of your fitness and strength and conditioning program. Assuming these are in check, but you are absolutely committed to the cause then the following 3 exercises will help to drastically speed up your progress. Read on if you are serious about results!

Getting Ripped Fast!

1. The Dead Lift: The dead lift is a tremendous total body exercise that will provide you with an array of many physical benefits. Characteristics such as grip strength, core strength, improved posture, mobility, and overall lean muscle mass are all benefits of the dead lift. This is exactly what you need if you are looking at developing a lean strong body. You see the dead lift can be performed in a variety of different ways by implementing the use of a barbell, diamond bar, medicine ball, or kettlebell. The lift can be done with a single arm or both arms. It is great for hitting all the large muscle groups which will in turn speed up your metabolism by quickly elevating your level of perceived exertion. If you want to get lean fast then start implementing the dead lift.

2. Kettlebell Swings: Kettlebell swings are one of the most basic strength endurance lifts that you can perform with the kettlebell. The great thing about this lift is that it can be performed for power or for more muscular and cardiovascular endurance. The drill basically involves you swinging the iron ball from between your legs up to at least chest level back and forth like a pendulum. This single exercise hits hundreds of your working muscles and you will be shocked at how quickly it will elevate your heart rate and cause you to break a sweat in the process. This is exercise is terrific for your hips, glutes, back, abs, shoulders, hamstrings, and of course heart! Starting swinging the iron bell if you want rip up fast!

3. Squat Thrust: The squat thrust is a body weight calisthenic that is terrific for helping you to build a lean strong body in a hurry. Calisthenics are great because they are whole body exercises that are performed in a rhythmic and systematic way in order to promote muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance. This is where you will stand to torch a ton of calories which will speed up the process of your ripped body project. The squat thrust is a basic calisthenic that is comprised of 3 different movements.

To start the drill you must stand with your feet at shoulder width distance apart in length. From here simply crouch down to place your hands on the ground in front of you. The second step involves you kicking your feet back behind you to extend your body into an upright push up position. The third and final step ends with you kicking your feet back up underneath you in order to stand back up to your feet. The last part of the drill can be intensified further by adding a vertical jump in at the end. All 3 of these phases count as a single repetition.

If you haven't already started to incorporate the 3 exercises that I just mentioned into your workout program then you are not running your ripped body project in high gear. Take the time to learn more about these and other methods of training to get yourself a ripped physique as fast as possible. Remember that most people can train hard, but only the best train smart!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

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